A French Salon is a room for discussions.

No, no, no... 

Latest news as of
The 53nd Aeronautics Fair (SIAE) opened on Monday, June 17, 2019 to professionals
Attention from June 17th to June 20nd will be only days reserved for professionals by invitation.
The Open Days for the Public will be from 21 to 23 June 2019.

Link to official web site  

Some pictures of the 2009 air show:

En français c'est ici

International Register of Civil Aircraft  Discover the official register of all the flying civil aircraft in the world. It is the equivalent of the automobile automobile license, more than 500.000 registrations of identified flying machines!

Consult the descriptive catalogue of the 3039 kind of flying aircraft in the world

  (opening in French language  as soon as possible  in English)

  • You will find a chart by apparatus (Plane, Jet, Helicopter, Glider, Ultra light aircraft, Balloon and Airship)
  • You will be able to deliver your opinion as a voter once on each aircraft as:
    • Passenger (on the headings Comfort, Look and Safety)
    • Professional of aviation: CDB, copilot, flight engineer, mechanic on the ground, owner and owner
  • As soon as a sufficient number of votes is received, the tables of classification will be at your disposal.
  • Seek by manufacturers
  • Seek by kind of plane
  • Search by key word

Concorde History

October 24, 2003, it is finished! The 3 Concorde of British Airways returned to London this 24 October five months after the stop in May 2003 of those of Air France. The history of Harmony enters the legend of aviation as well as the man who walked on the moon. It is not possible any more for simple civil to pass the wall of the sound on the planet ground for at least the 20 next years and to fly to 18000 meters of altitude. Also, for your pleasure we offer to you to take the virtual flight on Concorde it is Concordien!

Finely reports on Concorde

Support for this new initiative where the public will become the stakeholder and funding source to get Concorde into the air again. For more information and up-dates visit the website at Please don't forget to sign the petition on the way in or out.

Advertising:  A beautiful book

Les Concordes d'Air France

#1 Fox Bravo F-BVFB  (by Edouard Chemel)


For official information about the show of aeronautics at the Bourget, go to


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